Monday, September 21, 2009


It turns out that I was NOT able to upload ANY files to my blog. The website is programmed to disable such features. But next time, I will try to create my own website and put all the information on there so that I can have the material to download and upload.

As I said, the presumption must always be in favor of the sentence given by the Scriptures, no matter HOW severe, cruel, or dictatorial it may seem. George Francis Wilkin warned about making mere unauthorized hypotheses in Scripture interpretation. If even just one of these mere hypotheses is of just the right kind, then we can actually prove anything and EVERYTHING we please, no matter how much they contradict each other, and the Scripture is turned into the supreme law of Unreason instead of the supreme law of Reason!!! If the Scripture gives the reason, we must acquiesce and give the full presumption in favor of that. This means that only hypothesis consistent with this presumption are allowed. Therefore we will stick ONLY with hypotheses that can be made consistently with this presumption.

Another important rule that I will make much use of is the sanctity of assemblies of worship. I do not mean sanctity of the BUILDINGS used for worship --- because the Lord does not dwell in temples built with human hands --- but the sanctity of the social ACT or EVENT of assembling ourselves together for devotional purposes. There has been a great failure even among die-hard ultrafundamentalists today to insist firmly, with stateliness and dignity, and with reverence and fear, on the sanctity due to these meetings of worship. Preachers even in the most FORMAL and OFFICIAL assemblies of worship, deign and stoop to JOKE and CLOWN in the pulpit. The people may be amused, but God is not amused. God did not create mankind for the sake of his own amusement and pleasure, but for His Divine Glory and Honor and Dignity. Later on, I will demonstrate unto you that certain House Church meetings are especially prone to fall into that sin. And later I will show you WHY the supreme necessity and highest law governing the decorum and propriety of the relation between the speaker and hearers is in the SANCTITY due to that occasion, and that this sanctity excels the moral importance and weight of all other incidents of the devotional assembly, just as surely as Heaven excels above the Earth.

But Scripture warns us that "there is no new thing under the sun" ---- St John Chrysostom noticed this tendency to levity even in the most formal meetings of his time, especially with women engaging in PRIVATE social gregarious conservations with each other in those church worship services! St John Chrysostom did not hesitate to apply 1 Corinthians 14:34/35 to forbid even private social gregarious conservations of women with each other during formal assemblies of worship!

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